Amidst the current chaotic situation we find ourselves in, it is essential that we can continue to provide the same level of support and range of services to our clients. One area we have been able to provide continued support is noise impact assessment. Earlier this month, our noise consultant Najee Elbaroudi undertook a socially distanced field visit to conduct noise measurements at various regulated oil and gas facilities. A great excuse to get out and enjoy the warmer weather! This study helps to create the baseline case for our noise modelling and understand the impacts of bringing in a new project to the area. Part of the permitting process for the projects we work with in Alberta is making sure each project complies with AUC Rule 012: Noise Control guidelines. These robust set of rules and requirements make sure all power plants follow the same structure for consistency and reliability reasons. Although COVID-19 has changed many aspects of life, for us here at Green Cat, we see an opportunity to be adaptable and flexible to new ways of working to be able to support the next wave of projects being planned to meet the energy needs of Alberta and beyond. #renewablenergy #noiseassessment #windenergy