Green Cat Renewables is an experienced consultancy and has provided specialist development support for renewables projects since 2004. Our multi-disciplinary resource base equips us to provide services spanning all stages of project delivery from feasibility and concept development, consenting, construction and operational asset management. This enables us to offer a complete in-house service for the full life-cycle of your project. Our experience profile includes 600MW+ of wind, 200MW+ of solar and 25MW+ of hydro projects.
Green Cat employs 50+ staff providing a diverse range of skills and experience. Our team includes engineers, environmental consultants, technicians, project managers, site managers and technical specialists, with expertise in areas such as energy yield modelling, noise assessment, grid modelling and geotechnical engineering. Our vast experience and depth of understanding of wind, solar and hydro projects means we are able to tailor our services to your needs and to an appropriate level of detail for your project.
Our range of services and expertise encompass the following:
Project Development:
Project Construction & Operations: