Due Diligence

Tailored to the needs of the investor

Green Cat provides due diligence technical services to both prospective private equity investors and lenders alike for renewable energy projects. Capitalizing on our project level experience from Consenting through to Engineering, Construction Management and Asset Management, we are able to apply our on-the-ground experience to analyze hydro, solar and wind power proposals at pre-construction and operational phases as well as construction stage monitoring.

Our due diligence reviews are tailored to the needs of the investor, with risks and issues analysed to reflect the needs and priorities for a broad range of stakeholders including the long term equity investor, senior debt and subordinate debt providers.

Typical subjects covered in our Due Diligence Reviews may include:

  • Planning Compliance
  • Environmental features affecting long term operation and generation
  • Resource Analysis (hydro including hydrological analysis, solar, wind)
  • Geotechnical Review
  • Environmental conditions including existing infrastructure, flood risk, ground resistivity, third party interests
  • Operational Performance Analysis including energy performance and availability
  • Technical contract review including contracts for wind (such as TSA, MSA, EPK, Balance of Plant etc), solar (EPC), hydro (equipment procurement, Design & Build), electrical connections works, and land leases/wayleaves
  • Grid Connections
  • Construction Program Review
  • Technical CAPEX, OPEX and MSRA review
  • Accreditation suitability under various renewable energy schemes
  • Validation of PAC, IAC and FAC test results for solar power installations
  • Portfolio Analysis
  • Technical oversight of construction and testing
  • Independent Punch List